You spend a lot of time in your bedroom, which is why the steps on this bedroom cleaning checklist is so important. Regular bedroom cleanings can rid your home of the dust can interrupt a good night’s sleep.
Unfortunately, dust in the bedroom is not the only mess that disturbs your slumber. Bedrooms are also home to pet dander, dust mites, and pollen. That’s why we’ve put together a list that guarantees a clean bedroom (quickly!) so you don’t have to continue to sneeze and wheeze. This list also includes the master bathroom, which can also cause annoying allergy symptoms because of its close proximity to the bedroom.
If you don’t want to suffer through the cleaning (ah choo!), it can be helpful to buy a mask for cleaning and a HEPPA filter for the vacuum cleaner. Another option is to hire a cleaning service to take on those regular bedroom cleanings for you. (These tips for hiring the right home cleaning service can help you choose a cleaner you can trust.)
Bedroom Deep Cleaning
Tip: if you have outdoor allergies, don’t hang out laundered items. Laundered items can attract outdoor allergens and bring them into the bedroom, which can trigger allergy symptoms.
___ Clean light fixtures and ceiling fans
___ Clean doors
___ Remove cob webs and dust in corners (from ceiling to floor)
___ Dust artwork and photos
___ Launder bedding
___ Wash windows
___ Dust furniture (i.e. night stands, desks, dressers, etc.)
___ Clean window treatments
___ Launder pet bedding
___ Clean mattress (or mattress cover)
___ Dust door and wall trim
___ Dust trim molding, ledges, and shelves
___ Dust artwork and photos
___ Deep clean carpet or hard floors
Master Bathroom Deep Cleaning
___ Clean bathroom fan and light fixtures
___ Dust artwork and photos
___ Wipe down duct covers
___ Remove dust and cobwebs in corners
___ Wash windows
___ Clean window treatments
___ Dust crown molding, ledges, and shelves
___ Clean top of cabinets
___ Wipe down shower door and shower door frame
___ Clean around top of shower
___ Scrub tile grout/wipe down wainscoting
___ Deep clean tub
___ Clean mirror
___ Scrub bathroom floor grout (for tile)
___ Deep clean floors
___ Clean doors
___Wipe down/clean trim
___ Disinfect waste basket