Biohazard Clean Up: What, How to Hire & Cost

Biohazard clean up is a vital part of the recovery process after a traumatic incident or accident. The term covers a wide variety of services. The goal of those services is to eliminate hazardous materials and sanitize the area, removing dangerous materials and odors from the traumatic event. Biohazard clean up services can sanitize residential and commercial buildings and vehicles.

What is biohazard clean up?

Biohazard clean up includes removing any bio hazard wastes, such as body fluids, animal feces, animal or human remains, chemicals. A biohazard team can remove blood or feces from surfaces, clean up after a sewage backup, remediate mold, remove teargas and drug residue, and ensure the area is sanitary and odorless. The waste is properly disposed of and any items that came into contact with the biohazard is sanitized. Non-hazardous waste is also picked up and discarded. After a complete clean up, the residential or commercial space is ready for use and habitation.

What does a biohazard team do?

A biohazard cleaning service follows strict protocols to clean up after a crime scene or other traumatic incident. All hazardous and non-hazardous material is removed and disposed of properly. These professionals have the equipment and expertise to sanitize after a hoarding situation, act of vandalism, unexpected death, drug overdose, industrial accident, or other traumatic event.

What biohazard clean up services are near me?

A biohazard clean up service is more than a general residential or commercial clean up service (though some clean up services do offer professional bio hazard cleaning services). Biohazard cleaning services are trained to properly remove and dispose of hazardous materials using proper protocols and materials. Remediation and disposal is done safely without endangering employees and residents.

In addition to residences and commercial buildings, some biohazard cleaning services also sanitize vehicles. The best way to choose a biohazard clean up service is to contact local biohazard clean up services and ask them the following questions:

  • Do you offer biohazard cleaning services in my area?
  • Are you certified? Do you have insurance? Can you provide proof of insurance?
  • Do you have experience in biohazard clean up? Can you provide references?
  • Have you worked directly with insurance companies in the past?
  • Do you provide free quotes? When can you come out and give me an estimate?

If the commercial, renter, or homeowners insurance policy covers the clean up, it is extremely important to follow their directions for getting estimates and providing documentation. An experienced biohazard cleaning service can assist in the process by providing documentation and photos as needed, and even directly communicating with the company.

How much does biohazard clean up cost?

The cost of biohazard clean up depends on the situation and type and amount of clean up needed. A bio hazard cleaning service can also give you an idea about the amount of time needed for a complete clean up. Contact a biohazard clean up service to get a free service estimate and start the process to recovery.

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